Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Human Mind Described and Defined

The Human Mind Described and Defined

1.  א All human minds are singular. While all share a degree of sameness, no two are the same. Minds always differ in the way they perceive the same things. Nothing perceived can be sensed exactly the same way by any two observers. The moon or anything else cannot be seen at precisely the same location by any two observers at precisely the same time. Perceptions and observations of the same object by different minds can be of a degree of sameness sufficient to the needs of communication and efficient understanding but are never identical. Sufficient sameness and efficient understanding are a mutual agreement only as long as they serve a common purpose in a shared context.

2.  ב Because of the above, all human memories are singular, can be similar but are never the same.

3.  ג Memory and knowledge are not the same. Memory is the symbolic representation of experience, preserved and organized  with various degrees of efficiency, in a sequence  of postulated occurrence on a string of linear time. Knowledge is the description of that which is always true in the context of the description. If I tell someone something like "The sky is blue." at a certain time and in a certain place, that I did so is a fact of knowledge even if I no longer remember doing so. I can know I did so without being able to remember doing it. On the other hand, I can remember doing so without knowing with certainty that my memory is accurate. Knowledge is acquired and grows to the degree one is certain of one's description of things in a given context. "When I am angry, I lie." is only knowledge if it remains true to the day that one dies, meaning the context is one's whole life. If one wants to change, one needs to say that the idea, "When I am angry, I lie." is a belief that can change the first time I get angry and tell the truth anyway. If  John knows that when he is angry he lies, he will never change. If John believes this of himself, I know he can change.
4. ד The concepts of sameness and identical apply only to the metaphysical realms of abstraction, language, logic, mathematics and knowledge. Knowledge is that information which retains its identity for the duration of the mind that possesses it. Knowledge by definition does not change, it only increases or becomes unavailable. Calling a changing idea "knowledge" is a misnomer. An idea that changes is a belief and not knowledge. Knowledge is always the same unto itself and is independent in it's identity from any particular mind that possesses it, albeit it in the absence of any mind, knowledge has no value and cannot be said to exist. The determination of existence is of the mind. The identity of knowledge depends on the unity of context. The knowledge "1+1=2" is always true, as long as it is in the same context wherein it matters not at all what is being counted. 1 apple and one orange is two....objects. If an object is anything at all that isn't something else, "1object+1object=2objects" is always and universally true, immutable and unchanging knowledge that is not remembered, it is known. Knowledge and memories are similar in that they can become unavailable to any specific mind but are both components of any existing mind.

5.  ה A mind is founded on the comprehensive, all encompassing activity of differentiation between any and all objects of perception in space and in time. The primary differentiation of a mind is between the observer and the observed and is the consequence of conceiving difference and  distance thus creating a time-space continuum to be observed and differentiated from the observer whose conception it is that there is difference and distance.

6.  ו A difference in time necessitates differences of location for an object perceived, creating space in the mind of the observer, as space is the observation of differences of location, which makes time, as a single perceived object cannot co exist at different locations without there being time between the perceptions.   All of this is dependent on the creation of symbolic representations of that which is perceived for the purpose of cross referencing and differentiation, thus creating memories that are preserved in the sequences of their occurrence. Memory is the product of differentiation. In the absence of active differentiation, no memories are created, those that exist  are incomprehensible and no knowledge is possible.

7.  ז All living things demonstrate active differentiation between their self and their environment and share this function of differentiation as a sameness with all other living things in the mind of man. All living things demonstrate and manifest qualities of mind in that they are demonstrations  and manifestations of information as such is encoded in DNA. Information and its manipulations is an activity of mind and cannot exist outside a mind, by definition. Information only has meaning in the context of a mind. Hence DNA produces ever more sophisticated and complex organisms and becomes ever more sophisticated and complex itself, as does the mind become ever more complex and sophisticated as it produces ever more complex and sophisticated products. All of this made possible in a process that is a reversal of entropy, that being the development of the mind of man in which the idea of DNA exists as growing knowledge.

8. ח The mind is the logical consequence of the relationship between an observer and the observed and grows ever more complex and sophisticated as memories are accumulated and knowledge grows in the context of self creation, self preservation, self expansion, self enforcement and self defense. The more dynamic, flexible and encompassing the concept of self, the more self is a growing dynamic of harmonic diversity, and the more overall entropy decreases.

9. ט The first observation is that of sensation. All sensations are symbolic representations of the state of the relationship between the self and its environment. The self and its environment as context exist in the mind as a symbolic representation of the physical body and the state of its relationship with its environment as context.

10. י The mind is a high density agitation of points of reference, referenced in sequences on  temporal and spacial planes of perpetuated perception.

11. יא A particle is a high density agitation of points of reference, referenced in sequences on temporal and   spacial planes of perpetuated perception.

12. יב Particles do not exist as singularities, there are no atoms or fundamental materiel elements, everything is a dynamic shifting field of information unfolding in the mind as a meaningful sequence of points of reference. Things only exist and have significance  in a context of temporal and spatial cross referencing focus.

13. יג  Significance is attained by defining content through focus on finite spatial and temporal context coordinates.

14. יד Quantum phenomena do not define reality. They define the borders of reality and where coherence, significance and narrative deteriorate into chaos because of  false premises about the nature of reality.  The idea that particles have any existence whatsoever as singular phenomena is false. When particles, ( quanta =packets of living information), are differentiated from the sphere of cross references that define their appearance in the mind, they "rebel" by demonstrating  properties of incoherence.  They become entangled in significance by reason of meaningless cross references in demonstrations of non locality. Like in the mind of a schizophrenic. They shift places and appear in incoherent temporal sequences, destroying significance. Like in the mind of someone with the mental phenomenon of Alzheimer.

15. יה Wave functions do not describe the probabilities of the sequence of an unfolding historical narrative of a particle. There are no probabilities. The sequence is a certainty, albeit beyond any mental ability for consistent persistent prediction. Things can only be predicted in a finite arbitrary differentiation of  temporal and spatial context by applying math and logic to developing relationships between differentiated objects with a persistent discernible identity. Newton and Einstein are as far as it goes and their formulas define the activities of the mind in the calculation of the behavior of objects that exist as such only in the mind. Both men believed correctly that the universe  is an immutable and orderly unfolding of a non arbitrary reality narrative, designed and orchestrated by divine principles. They both were wrong in assuming that these principles can be contained in a human mind, wrong simply through the observation that the finite cannot contain the infinite as an experience and the imagination of the infinite is unreal as an observation or measurement. Observations and measurements of the borders of human reality are taking place on  both ends of the spectrum of mind  confinement. On the scale of individuated quantum phenomenon taken out of the context of a growing knowledge of the limits of the human imagination, chaos ensues and math and logic breakdown. The same can be said concerning observations and measurements of  the borders of the perceivable electromagnetic universe on the grand scale of astrophysics. Logic, math and physics all break down. We can't have ultimate knowledge because knowledge depends on context and our temporal and spatial contexts are all arbitrary finite delineations on a dynamic and expanding multi faceted infinite scale of exponentially increasing cross references. All  contained  as an immutable and complete creation of infinite self perpetuation that contains all finite contexts within itself as mind but exists outside the confines  of mind and minds, as the creator and cause of all minds and what happens within them.

Syncopation Is The Spice of Life.

All is Art, Contained in The Divine Heart.
We are given ears and eyes, skin and noses,
mouths and stomachs and sexual organs,
Brains and Hearts,
to appreciate with our senses
the unraveling of our  minds
as the divine canvass of experience
fills our being for a sequence of meaningful moments.
All until our minds fade back into undifferentiated life.
Yet while we are alive as finite minds
we secrete the substance of the world we know
as environment and context for the minds yet unborn,
in an ever growing
complex and sophisticated dynamic reality
of harmonic diversities.


                                                                                                           יהוה הוא האלהים
                                                                                        יהוה הוא האלהים                                                       יהוה הוא האלהים

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